Admin Professionals 2016
Administrative professionals in Warren County were honored April 28 2016 at the annual luncheon hosted by the Warren County Chamber of Commerce
Staff professionals gathered in the family center at the First United Methodist Church
Cindy Rivers welcomed the guests and thanked them for all the effort they give to keep business running efficiently
Some very cute gift baskets created by Cindy for each attendee
Lunch is served
A nice lunch from Miss Jane's waited
Maureen and Mel Smith of Artistic Endeavors Warrenton prepare for the painting event
The example piece that will be completed by guests
Maureen demonstrates techniques as she guides the "students" through the project, (even though she had surgery on her arm yesterday!)
Brushes in hand and hard at work
Looks like everybody's diligently doing a great job
A professional surveyor more used to pencils than paints painting well
Door prizes were given by a drawing
Angel Lamb received the Professional of the Year award. We had four tremendous recommendations that made it very hard to choose
Cindy thanks everyone for attending and bids farewell until next year!